Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Discover how you are not your thoughts and beliefs & wake up!

Welcome friend,

Humanity has created religious, political, tribal and nation based stories for thousands of years.  Is it possible that our clinging to these old stories and beliefs is actually the main cause of the endless cycles of division, conflicts and violence occuring in the world every day? Throughout the ages various people have spoken about this, while also pointing to the wholeness and aliveness of Life which is always present right here and now, no matter what you or others think or believe.  And that’s what this website is about…

“In the course of the 21st century more and more people will realize that our beliefs and the duality, division and conflict we experience are self-created realities. Freedom and happiness have nothing to do with clinging to beliefs. To realize you are not your thoughts or beliefs, is the beginning of awakening…”
(from the Awareness now! website)


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