Saturday, May 4, 2024

Chronic thinking, why?

Let's do an experiment. This experiment is totally REAL and all about YOU! All you need to do is find a quiet place and...

Is the ‘self’ just an idea?

When we use language like; "I want this or give me that", we believe that there really exists something which is "me" or "I"...

Awareness is not a belief

Shakespeare already wondered: what's in a name? Words are just pointers to something. We can even create words for things that don't actually exist...

How do you know you are attached to a belief?

We humans, have lots of beliefs. They are all in our mind, right? Now, how do beliefs cause trouble?  We pose that the worst...

Without awareness and compassion, we are lost…

Let's face it. When we humans are no longer aware of the effects of our actions on others, but we are driven by what...

Who controls thoughts, who is thinking?

According to the common materialistic point of view, only matter and energy are real and consciousness is not. The latter is seen as some...

Why Awareness is so attractive!

Before any thought or feeling arises, we already exist. Yet feelings, thoughts distract us continuously, as we identify with them. You are bothered by...

Truth is a tricky word

Every day we use language to express our thoughts and feelings. Saying something, implies meaning. For example, when someone says "today is a warm...

Why do we create beliefs?

People all over the world have beliefs, which if they stay around long enough, may turn into belief systems. Religion for instance, is a...

We are all “Me”

We are self aware beings. You and I are aware that we exist, we feel that we exist. This feeling of being is known...