Saturday, April 20, 2024

Video – interview with Jim Newman

Virtually all people seem to have a fundamental assumption or belief regarding Existence which is the conviction; "I am a person". Most people generally assume that...

Does tomorrow exist?

We are convinced somehow that there is a "me" who has a past and who is moving towards a future. Somehow we never question...

Love is not personal?

Nobody knows what Love is exactly, but most people agree it is key to happiness somehow. Obviously the word "love" as a noun does not...

Seeking for what is un-graspable

What are we looking for? Isn't there a widely shared belief which is that you can get or obtain some-thing, which is real and...

The danger of beliefs

We all carry beliefs around and take them very seriously. For instance: "I am a reliable person", "I am a christian/muslim/atheist", "I am an...

Awareness vs Experience

The only moment you can be aware of anything, is right now. Awareness is not a memory or a thought. Somehow it is different...

There is no past or future…

We create psychological time by thinking it into apparent existence. In our mind we remember what happened and then label those thoughts as "the...

The search for “Meaning”

Plato already observed a few hundred years B.C. that man is a being in search of meaning. The word suggests that meaning is a...

What is non-duality?

Non-duality is the western translation of "Advaita", a Sanskrit word which means; "not two". It can be found at core of many religions. Non-dualism...

Does happiness depend on things?

The common idea we all seem to have is that "something" or "someone" outside of us can make us happy. So, when we feel...