Is the ‘self’ just an idea?

When we use language like; “I want this or give me that”, we believe that there really exists something which is “me” or “I” as an entity somewhere. To question the existence of this “I” is almost felt as blasphemy to some. Typically most of our thinking constantly revolves around this “I” we believe to be, so why would anyone question this? The whole world is convinced we are all a person and the ‘self’ is real.

This person we believe to be, has opinions, beliefs, reactions, preferences, likes, dislikes, ideas, fears, wishes, hopes, doubts, and on and on. It is never ending. In fact by the way we think, we constantly affirm this idea that we are a person, an “I”. What if this idea is just that; an idea only? What would happen when all opinions, wantings, fears, hopes, reactions, thoughts would fall away and remain absent?  What remains?

Notice your own thinking. Are YOU really thinking, or is thinking simply happening? If you look at this carefully, you will do an utterly amazing discovery, which is contrary to what you believe, thoughts are just appearing and disappearing. You can’t even stop them!

What does that discovery mean? It means you are NOT your thoughts, it means you are NOT thinking. It simply happens in the brain even when you would want it to stop. The discovery is, that when you witness your thoughts, you are in fact aware of them, but you are not your thoughts. So who or what witnesses them? This is the beginning of the realization that you are not a separate ‘self’, you are not your body. Some say; what you are is awareness or being itself and the self is imagined, it does not actually exist as entity anywhere. This is the beginning of awakening!

@YOU: What is your experience? Do you feel you are a self or person, living inside your body?